Jul 29, 2023
Revised and updated in 2023
NACONA GUIDELINES version: 1.1 2019-08-14 Page 1 of 16 NORTHERN ARIZONA CONVENTION OF NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Definition – Purpose – Functions DEFINITION: This body shall be known as “NORTHERN ARIZONA CONVENTION OF NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS”, hereinafter referred to as NACONA. The three Area Service Committees represented by the Navapache Area, Verde Valley Area and Yavapai Area will be referred to as the Northern Arizona Area Service Committees (NAASC). PURPOSE: The purpose of NACONA is to stimulate growth for the Northern Arizona fellowships and encourage unity with an annual celebration of recovery in Narcotics Anonymous. • Continues to prioritize: newcomer participation, rotation of convention in the northern part of the state, and distributing monies evenly to NAASC’s. FUNCTIONS: • Hold elections for NACONA Committee • Facilitate monthly NACONA meetings. • Record and distribute minutes to Committee and Northern Arizona of Narcotics Anonymous Areas (NAASC’s) • Maintain a PO Box for NACONA • Distributes proceeds from event evenly to Yavapai Area, Verde Valley Area, and Navapache Area (this will involve active participation from an existing Northern Arizona Area Service Committee’s to receive funds from NACONA). • Maintain a bank account for NACONA retaining $10,000 or other amount determined by convention committee as a prudent reserve for current and future conventions. NACONA COMMITTEE MEMBERS Administrative Committee and Sub Committee Chairpersons (Committee Members) All Committee members should remain ever mindful of the NACONA timeline as outlined in this document. ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE: 1. Chairperson 2. Vice Chairperson 3. Secretary / Archivist 4. Treasurer 5. Vice Treasurer 6. Area Liaison SUB-COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS: 1. Registration 2. Information & Welcoming Committee NACONA GUIDELINES version: 1.1 2019-08-14 Page 2 of 16 SUB-COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS (continued): 3. Programming & Marathon 4. Fundraising & Entertainment 5. Merchandise 6. Arts & Graphics 7. Hotel & Hospitality Committee ELECTION PROCEDURES • The NACONA Chair and Treasurer will be nominated and at the NAASC’S’s and elected by the NACONA Convention Committee. • Nominees must be present to accept the nomination, submit a statement of willingness, and answer questions. • Elections for All other position will be elected within one month. • All elected positions will have a term of one year. • Flyers will be available two months prior to nominations at the NAASC’s • All members of our fellowship willing to be of service to NACONA shall have voting rights regarding NACONA Elections. Qualifications for all Administrative Committee Members: 1. Worked the 12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous 2. Has a working knowledge of the 12 Traditions and 12 concepts of Narcotics Anonymous 3. Active participation in meetings of Narcotics Anonymous 4. Has willingness, time and commitment necessary 5. Shall not hold any Administrative or Sub-Committee Chair position at an NAASC’s 6. Has experience in preparing a budget Requirements for all Administrative Committee Members and Sub-Committee Chairpersons 1. Attend all regular NACONA meetings (see voting and attendance requirements) or send a representative. 2. Administrative Committee meets one half hour prior to the meeting to review agenda and discuss committee items 3. Provide a final report and pass on archives for the incoming committee 4. Sign a “Statement of Willingness/Responsibility” document. 5. Attend the Transition Workshop for incoming NACONA committee members ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Position Requirements and Duties CHAIRPERSON A. Requirements 1. Minimum five (5) years clean 2. Has served one (1) years on a convention committee as an Administrative Member or Sub Committee Chairperson 3. Recommended previous year of service as Vice Chair, Sub Committee Chair or Administrative member of NACONA. NACONA GUIDELINES version: 1.1 2019-08-14 Page 3 of 16 A. Requirements (continued) 4. Administrative and Management skills and abilities 5. Contract negotiation experience 6. Will attend monthly convention committees 7. Holds no other service position at the area level B. Duties 1. Co-signer on the NACONA bank account.. 2. Presides over regular NACONA meetings remaining fair & impartial being mindful of discussion time & helping to resolve all conflicts. 3. Conducts NACONA elections within 30 days 4. Coordinates and reviews all NACONA budgets with Sub Committee Chairs and NACONA Treasurer. 5. Reviews site location contract with Hotel and Hospitality Chairperson and assist s to facilitate the space and needs of Subcommittees 6. Signer for all contracts after review & approval by the NACONA Committee 7. Coordinates with the ARSC BOD regarding all insurance related issues and obtain rider if necessary for Convention & Fundraising Events. 8. Chair will deliver final Chair report, committee financial report & process check to NAASC’S (Financial report for closing out the books) 9. Oversees NACONA inventory 10. Will update and present all suggested Guideline changes to Convention Committee for approval 11. Will ensure any guideline changes are approved at Convention Committee 12. Calls special meetings as needed 13. Chairs the Convention 14. Ensures that all communication is occurring to all participating areas. VICE-CHAIRPERSON A. Requirements 1. Minimum four (4) years clean. 2. Has served one (1) year on a convention committee as an Administrative Member or Sub Committee Chairperson 3. Administrative and Management skills and abilities 4. Willingness to serve the following year as Chairperson B. Duties 1. Performs Chairperson duties when Chairperson is unavailable 2. Assists the Chairperson in responsibilities 3. Co-signer on the NACONA bank account. 4. Review Treasurer’s financial reports, ledger and journal’s monthly 5. Ensures that each Sub-Committee has a Vice Chair within 60 days of their placement 6. Coordinates all NACONA budgets with Sub Committee Chairs and NACONA Treasurer. 7. Responsible for one of the P.O. Box Keys. SECRETARY & ARCHIVIST A. Requirements 1. Minimum three (3) years clean. 2. Ability to record accurate minutes. NACONA GUIDELINES version: 1.1 2019-08-14 Page 4 of 16 A. Requirements (continued) 3. Proficient in MS Office, scanning documents and has Internet capabilities such as daily access to the Internet and extensive knowledge on its use 4. Possesses general office or secretarial skills, and organizational abilities B. Duties 1. New Administrative Secretary is to pass on a copy of last year’s Convention budget and Individual Subcommittee budgets to Chairperson and all Voting Members 2. Timeline is to be checked for every meeting agenda made 3. Tabled items from each meeting are to be added to following month’s agenda 4. Minutes will include each Sub-Committee report and each Administrative Committee person’s report for review in one document emailed to contact list within 10 days 5. Minutes with revisions will be emailed to NAASC’s secretary’s prior to following NACONA Committee meeting 6. Maintains a current contact list with names, positions, phone numbers, emails, and mailing addresses of all Administrative Committee Members, Sub-Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs 7. Maintains the attendance record of voting members for voting purposes at each NACONA meeting 8. Keeps a copy of minutes on an external storage device and a hardcopy for Archives 9. Turns over archives to the Chair for the final report 10. Will establish Administrative Committee Budget 11. Will update and present all suggested Guideline changes if needed to NACONA Committee TREASURER A. Requirements 1. Minimum five (5) years clean 2. Has one (1) year area, region and/or convention committee experience 3. Has experience with accounting procedures, software programs and budgets B. Duties 1. Utilize, train and mentor Vice-Treasurer 2. Will attend all NACONA Fundraisers 3. Co-signer on NACONA bank account 4. Provides read only electronic access to bank account for NAASC’s Treasurers 5. Maintains and is responsible for the NACONA bank account and ensures two signatures are on all checks 6. Maintains an accurate financial ledger 7. Establish a budget and submit it to the NACONA committee per the timeline 8. Responsible for all monies received and depositing them into the NACONA bank account within 24 hours 9. Will collect, count and issue a receipt for all monies received at all times with assistance from Vice Treasurer or other Administrative person. 10. The Treasurer will utilize the NAASC’s Accounting Procedures where applicable 11. No checks will be issued without an approved motion; a budgetary expenditure and/or Check Request form 12. Responsible for collecting receipts or invoices for all checks written. NACONA GUIDELINES version: 1.1 2019-08-14 Page 5 of 16 B. Duties (continued) 13. Submits monthly financial report to NAASC’s Treasurer for bank statement reconciliation and auditing purposes via email 14. Must be available to assist all Sub-Committees with establishing budgets 15. Compiles financial information from Sub-Committees and Administrative committee to establish the NACONA budget 16. Submits written report at NACONA meetings to include a Financial report 17. The Treasurer will be available to attend Sub-Committee meetings to assist and observe as needed or requested 18. Before the end of each NACONA Meeting will submit a recap of present day financial activities to include electronic transactions 19. Coordinates and facilitates set up of credit card readers and cash registers for subcommittees 20. Turns over checkbook and all supplies to Chairperson at final committee meeting 21. Will provide Chairperson with a final Financial report detailing all activity through the Convention year along with a final proceed check (withholding seed money) 22. Turns over all financial records and reports (paper and electronic) for audit by NAASC’s Treasurer & Vice- Treasurer, NACONA Treasurer & Vice-Treasurer immediately after the final check is written VICE TREASURER A. Requirements 1. Minimum four (4) years clean 2. Has one (1) year area, region and/or convention committee experience 3. Has experience with accounting procedures, software programs and budgets 4. Willing and able to serve as the following year Convention Treasurer and fulfill all duties as assigned B. Duties 1. Be available in all capacities to work with Treasurer and participate in training and mentorship 2. Willing and able to serve as the current years Treasurer if needed and fulfill all duties as assigned 3. Will be accessible to all Sub-Committee Chairs as needed 4. Will attend all NACONA Fundraisers SUB-COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS General Position Requirements and Duties A. Requirements: 1. Four (4) years clean unless otherwise noted under specific position requirements 2. Has a recommended one (1) year convention committee experience a. It is also suggested that each Sub-Committee Chair has served on that committee as the Vice Chair 3. Must provide electronic report 24 hours prior to next NACONA meeting to Secretary/Archivist 4. Must be able to keep accurate financial records and have the ability to report them NACONA GUIDELINES version: 1.1 2019-08-14 Page 6 of 16 B. Duties: 1. Stays within timelines for completing tasks 2. Coordinate the formation of the Sub-Committee membership electing a Vice Chair with three (3) years clean unless otherwise noted under specific position requirements 3. Shall be available for an audit at anytime 4. Generate announcements of when Committee meetings are held a. Be consistent throughout the year with day/month, location and time (ex: third Sunday at Coffee Shop at 3pm) b. Committee meetings are not to conflict with other subcommittee meetings. 5. Establish a budget and submit it to the NACONA committee according to the timeline a. Ensures all sales tax is paid at time of purchases 6. Manage all expenditures and income staying within the Sub-Committee’s budget a. Turn in all receipts and invoices for expenditures to NACONA Treasurer b. Obtaining receipts for any income turned over to NACONA Treasurer c. Submit documentation for mileage reimbursement uses state standards 7. Ensures that there is a fair bid process for all Vendors. a. Responsible for a minimum of three (3) written bids for each outside contractor b. Present bids and other information at the Monthly Committee meeting with a recommendation for approval 8. Utilize Arts and Graphics to produce any and all flyers or signs prior to and during the Convention 9. Ensure that all members of the Sub-Committee sign the Loss and Recovery Policy document as applicable 10. Must present monthly electronic reports that include: a. An accurate account of the month’s meeting minutes, activities and correspondence. b. Goals set and goals met from timeline c. Monthly financial transactions, checks and balances. d. Copies of any finalized contracts e. Mileage Reimbursement receipts 11. Prepares final report for final meeting this report should include a. Procedures b. Contacts & Referral sources c. Contracts & Agreements d. Written inventory of all properties in that Sub-Committee’s possession belonging to NACONA ARTS & GRAPHICS A. Chairperson Requirements: 1. Has technical experience in graphics, printing, Photoshop and Illustrator software B. Duties 1. Coordinates a timeline with other Sub-Committees when logos and artwork will be available 2. Create camera-ready art which incorporates the Convention logo for all printed materials. 3. Responsible for the design and production of all registration forms, ID badges, and event tickets - printing of all flyers and signs for all Committees 4. Responsible for Convention Banner display 5. Design and produce Convention program with information supplied by the Sub NACONA GUIDELINES version: 1.1 2019-08-14 Page 7 of 16 Committees Proposed Expenses Volunteer ribbons Directional & Informational signs Logo development Badge components Printing, Flyers, Copies & supplies Event tickets Prize for logo Brochures Shipping Convention programs FUNDRAISING & ENTERTAINMENT A. Duties 1. Create calendar of Premier Fundraising events -- minimum of three, maximum of four - prior to the Convention ending two months prior to the convention event a. Fundraising and Event ideas that have been used in the past: dances, disc jockey/band, NA Unplugged, member participation games, outdoor sporting activities, hiking, recovery plays, comedy shows, karaoke, talent shows, concerts, golf tournaments, art shows, campouts, sports days, NA Family fun days, picnics, open mic night, pancake breakfasts & spaghetti dinner speaker events 2. Cooperate with NAASC’s and RSC Activities to invite participation and not be in conflict with events 3. Confirms and coordinates approved Entertainment to be provided at the Convention 4. Coordinates any Merchandise with the Merchandise Committee for timely purchasing 5. The Fundraising & Entertainment Chair meets to coordinate space, riser (stage) requirements and availability with Programming and Hotel & Hospitality Chairpersons 6. Will obtain and/or distribute previous year’s merchandise for sales, auction and raffles Proposed Expenses and Ideas (Refer to prior year budget – if available) Venue cost Convention Entertainment Food & refreshments Lights & electrical Games & prizes HOTEL & HOSPITALITY A. Chairperson Requirements 1. Has served two years on a Convention committee one being a Convention SubCommittee Chair or in a Convention Administrative Committee Member position B. Hotel Committee Structure & Duties 1. Establish Hospitality Sub-Committee 2. Determine Location selecting from a number of hotels narrowing to three (3) by using criteria as follows: a) Hotel Room Rate b) Hotel Room Block/Ameni ties c) Banquet and Coffee Costs d) Meeting Space NACONA GUIDELINES version: 1.1 2019-08-14 Page 8 of 16 B. Hotel Committee Structure & Duties (continued) 3. Negotiates Contract with Hotel and NACONA Chairperson. This Contract should address: a) Banquet, Workshops, Marathon Space h) Podiums b) Coffee plan/restrictions for Hospitality i) Risers (may need stage rental depending on facility) c) Audio & Visual (Microphones, projector, lighting, electrical) j) Tables (rounds, merchandise, information, taping contactor, etc) d) Space needs, i.e. set-up and breakdown times k) Chairs (may need depending on facility) e) Parking Situation / Costs l) Security f) Site restrictions & policies m) Act as liaison between Subcommittees and Hotel in all negotiations g) Internet 4. Facilitates the needs of the and helps organize space for the convention a) Acting liaison between the NACONA committee and the hotel staff ensuring positive, professional relations with the hotel b) Arrange for the NACONA Committee to meet at the hotel monthly as soon as hot el is selected c) Locate and identify secured rooms for the Merchandise Committee, the Registration Committee and any outside Vendors as required along with meeting space for the Administrative Committee before and during the convention d) Coordinate the Convention banquet arrangements in a timely manner e) Monitors hotel room block daily and relays the information to the Convention Chair and NACONA Committee The Hotel & Hospitality Sub-Committee Chairperson must become familiar with the details of Convention contracts to avoid unforeseen expenses such as gratuity, taxes, miscellaneous fees and the discussion of coffee. The Hotel Sub-Committee Chairperson in coordination with NACONA Chairperson shall be the only committee representative authorized to have contact with the Hotel Staff for the Convention. The Hotel & Hospitality Chairperson and the NACONA Chairperson are the only people authorized to negotiate agreements with NACONA Administrative Committee approval and both persons must be in consensus. Proposed Expenses - outlined in B3 above C. Hospitality Committee Structure & Duties 1. Set up the Hospitality Room 2. Organize and coordinate all volunteer shifts to provide for responsible committee members in the Hospitality room convention throughout convention. This includes coordinating with local home groups for time blocks 3. Develop a plan for the purchase and collection of condiments, drinks, and snacks 4. Develop a plan to have cards, board games, etc available in the room NACONA GUIDELINES version: 1.1 2019-08-14 Page 9 of 16 C. Hospitality Committee Structure & Duties (continued) 5. Ensures care for the Hotel space by monitoring beverages, food and vandalism or damages Proposed Expenses for Hospitality Room Cups, Silverware, Plates, etc. Food, Beverages & Condiments Games INFORMATION & WELCOMING A. Chairperson Requirements 1. Three (3) years clean B. Convention Information Duties 1. Contact all Northern Arizona area treatment programs and halfway houses and provide copy of program within one month prior to convention 2. Create a process to provide an Information table at the Convention – This should include: a) Current Convention information b) Hotel information should be acquired such as maps, restaurant information and facility amenities c) NA Local Meeting Schedules d) NA Information Pamphlets (IPs) e) NA Event Flyers from the Area and other surrounding Areas and Regions. f) Area Information about the hosting city and entertainment in the area such as restaurants, shopping and local sightseeing opportunities g) Area public transportation information should be available 3. Schedule volunteers to staff Convention Information table during hours of operation in alignment with the Registration hours of operation 4. Create a welcoming squad C. Welcoming Squad Duties 1. Schedule all volunteer squad members. Members must have minimum of (30) days clean) at start of convention 2. Insure all members & Convention visitors are welcome at main entrances (placement is crucial) 3. Create T-shirts for the squad members to be included in NACONA budget. 4. Act as ushers at main speaker meeting 5. Squad members to announce convention at all meetings they attend and inform newcomers of the newcomer package policy MERCHANDISE A. Duties 1. Submit proposed budget a. Include items to be sold Pre-Convention and at the Convention, their purchase price and projected profit. Please remember NACONA Committee approves all retail pricing. b. Submit budget to NACONA Committee for approval. d. Merchandise shall be appropriate concerning outside issues and contain the registered trademark NACONA GUIDELINES version: 1.1 2019-08-14 Page 10 of 16 A. Duties (continued) 2. Coordinates with other Areas and Regions selling 'Alternative Merchandise' on Sunday Morning a. Alternative Merchandise is described as: a Narcotics Anonymous service body selling merchandise that directly benefits NA as a whole. b. There are to be no independent Merchandisers at 'Alternative Merchandise' Sunday morning 3. Must keep accurate and up-to-date inventory records at all times a. All merchandise will be shipped directly to the Merchandise Chair b. Conduct an inventory and inspection of all merchandise at the time of delivery. c. A final inventory statement and financial report is to be provided to the NACONA Treasurer prior to the final committee meeting 4. Will attend all NACONA Fundraisers 5. Obtain permission from each Narcotics Anonymous Event specifically to sell PreConvention NACONA merchandise Specific Sub Committee Responsibilities Pre-Convention: To insure that adequate space is allocated for the handling and selling of merchandise at the Convention, the Merchandise Chair needs to work closely with the Hotel & Hospitality Committee Mandatory training for Convention members working the Credit Card Readers and Cash Registers On Site: Set up Merchandise room/area Inventory all merchandise at beginning of Convention and throughout the Convention. The Merchandise room shall be secure at all times Tear down Merchandise room/area and re-inventory remaining merchandise at close of Convention. Box and arrange transport to storage all remaining merchandise PROGRAM & MARATHON A. Chairperson Requirements 1. Has served two (2) years on a Convention Program committee B. Duties 1. Ensures each committee member has recommended (1) year clean time 2. Ensures the importance of speaker selection and Marathon coordination. 3. Consider travel costs for main speakers in order to minimize expenses. 4. Responsible for obtaining taping contractor and monitoring during convention 5. Coordinates Main Speakers transportation to the Convention as requested or needed 6. Responsible to ensure that main speakers, workshop speakers and marathon meeting chair’s and readers are chosen, notified and confirmed 7. In the event of a speaker, workshop leader or marathon meeting chairperson no-show, a pool of members should be on stand-by from which to select replacements. 8. Coordinates Speaker Check In with Convention Registration ensuring written instructions are provided (see addendum A) NACONA GUIDELINES version: 1.1 2019-08-14 Page 11 of 16 B. Duties (continued) 9. Develop and distribute all Meeting Formats and Meeting Leader written instructions 10. Coordinates seating arrangements with Hotel & Hospitality drawing from statistics of the previous Conventions to do so 11. Time frame outline for Main Meetings, Workshops, Banquet and Breakfast is to be considered drawing from the outline (see addendum B) 12. Develops a plan to ensure that any special needs (accommodation requests) are met with NACONA Committee approval including hearing impaired and translations 13. The Program Sub-Committee is responsible for planning the program for the entire Convention and will need to coordinate and cooperate with every Sub-Committee Chair to accomplish this Committee Formation • This Sub Committee will be open to the fellowship for six (6) weeks; then the Committee is closed. • Being absent for two meetings in a row should be addressed by this Committee. • Immediately solicit cd’s from members, areas & regions • Select main speakers by evaluating and listening to speaker cds, workshop cds and other media Speaker, Leader & Reader Selection • Speakers and other participants shall be active members of Narcotics Anonymous carrying a clear NA message • Main Speakers are required to have a minimum of ten years continuous clean time. • Workshop speakers are required to have a minimum of three (3) years continuous clean time. • Workshop Chair’s will have a minimum of 1 year clean continuous time. • Speakers will represent fellowship diversity including age, race, sexual identity, creed, religion or lack of religion, etc. • Main speakers will not be considered to return again as main speakers for a period of five (5) years. • Workshop speakers will not be considered again as workshop speakers for a period of three (3) years. • NACONA Administrative Committee members, Sub Committee chairs / vice-chairs and all Program committee members are not to be considered to be main speakers, workshop speakers, leaders or readers unless otherwise noted Meeting Format Premise • Workshop and Topic meetings cover the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions, Service work or specific issues such as relationships, recovery & relapse, etc. The meetings can be set up as speaker meetings with assigned topics, round table or panel discussions, member interaction or a mix. • The structuring of the format for each meeting and the program is decided by each year’s Committee. • Any revisions from the prior year’s format must be approved at the NACONA Committee meeting. The Convention is only as good as the Program. The Program sets the mood of the Convention. By allowing a loving Higher Power to work through our group conscience we can best serve Narcotics Anonymous as a whole. NACONA GUIDELINES version: 1.1 2019-08-14 Page 12 of 16 NARANON – COOPERATION, NOT AFFILIATION Due to the growth in Narcotics Anonymous, and the need for recovery with family members, the fellowship of Nar Anon often holds meetings and workshops at NA Conventions. Nar Anon is an autonomous fellowship. MARATHON A. Marathon Meeting Coordinator Requirements 1. Three (3) years clean 2. Member of the Program Committee B. Duties 1. Scheduling and coordinating volunteers of the Marathon Meetings for the Convention. 2. Must be able to keep accurate master schedule and contact records for meetings 3. This includes but is not limited to: a. Recruiting volunteers to be responsible for fifty-minute time slots to chair meetings b. Ensuring meeting leaders have a minimum of six months clean c. Providing meeting formats for Marathon Meeting leaders d. Cleaning room e. Maintaining and adhering to the meeting schedule to include meeting leader name, contact info, topic and times for the full 48 hours of the Convention. f. Coordinate with Arts & Graphics creating two schedules on posters to be displayed outside of Marathon meeting room and Convention Information g. Encourage home group participation Proposed Expenses Taping Contractor Easels Main Speaker Accommodations Special Needs Postage, Copies REGISTRATION A. Chairperson Requirements 1. Ability to maintain Registration database (Excel recommended) B. Duties 1. Request posting on the World Service Office website of upcoming Convention 2. The Registration Sub-Committee is responsible for obtaining a post office box 3. Distributes all correspondence to appropriate Sub-Committee chairpersons 4. Coordinate the Registration packet merchandise and submit to NACONA 5. Coordinate with Arts and Graphics to print registration materials. 6. Distributes flyers/registrations to the local area, outlying Areas and Regions 7. Coordinate with all area and region webmasters to post online registration form 8. Coordinate with Hotel and Hospitality for Registration booth at the Convention 9. Shall make deposits within 24 hours after monies received 10. Coordinates with Registration Treasurer to open mail, record transactions and prepare deposit 11. Ensures all committee members who handle money have two (2) years of continuous clean time and have signed a Loss & Recovery Statement of Responsibility NACONA GUIDELINES version: 1.1 2019-08-14 Page 13 of 16 B. Duties (continued) 12. Any incentive giveaways must be approved. 13. Registration committee should follow the Convention Timeline 14. The Registration Sub-Committee should be represented at Regional, Area Functions & Fundraisers to allow as many members an opportunity to register 15. Registration Chairperson will maintain a database 16. Provide monthly balance sheet to NACONA Treasurer 17. Forward mailing list and database to next Registration Chairperson Other Duties and Responsibilities at the Convention: Volunteers are needed to staff cash and credit card machines and distribute Registration packets The location for handling Registrations at the Convention should have sufficient: 1. Room for Operations 2. Tables 3. Power 4. Security 5. Crowd control Onsite Convention Registration hours normally run from 12pm Friday thru 10pm on Friday, and from 9am thru 10pm on Saturday. Registration Table will be closed during the Friday and Saturday Main Speaker Meetings. Cash registers and other valuable equipment must be secured at night. Data should be collected for Saturday night meeting announcements concerning 1. Number of Newcomer packets given away 2. Clean Time 3. Miles Traveled 4. Total number of Registrations; listing different countries, states and Arizona Areas 5. A running total of ticket sales for Convention events should be maintained. Proposed Expenses Postage, Copies & Office Supplies Registration Envelopes Envelope Contents (name tags & mementos) P.O. Box Rental NACONA OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES This body operates on a consensus based decision-making process (see CBDM model): As a spiritual body we try to reach all decisions by consensus; we believe that a loving God’s will is expressed through our group conscience (2nd Tradition). In the event we cannot reach consensus, a two-third majority will be required. One of the reasons we try to receive consensus is that it follows our 9th Concept, “All elements of our service structure have the responsibility to carefully consider all view points in their decision making process.” The reason all committee members are allowed to vote on many decisions follows the 7th Concept which states, “All members of a service body bear substantial responsibility for that body’s decision and should be allowed to fully participate in its decision-making process.” NACONA GUIDELINES version: 1.1 2019-08-14 Page 14 of 16 Thank you for your service! You are welcome, wanted and needed. This is a big responsibility and we encourage you to work as a team while progressing as an individual member of Narcotics Anonymous. Everyone’s experience, strength and hope is valued on this committee. CONSENSUS BASED DECISION MAKING PROCESS (CBDM) All Committee Idea Requests (except elections) will first be considered using consensus based decisions for the Committee’s purposes. The process for consensus-based decision making allows for points of view to be heard and fairly considered within the Committee. At this point the NACONA Chair can recognize non-voting members if needed to obtain consensus. If at the end of discussion the Committee has not reached a decision, those dissented from the majority will be given the opportunity to state the reason for their dissent if they choose. If their rationale does not persuade the majority to change their view, the dissenting member(s) will be asked if they can support the majority view, even though they themselves do not agree with it. In matters where the dissenters cannot assent to the majority, a decision will be reached by using a two-third majority. VOTING MEMBERS 1. Administrative Committee member excluding NACONA Chairperson 2. Sub-Committee Chairs. 3. Sub-Committee Vice chair can vote if Sub-Committee Chair is not present. 4. A 2/3 majority is necessary if a consensus by the Committee cannot be reached. NEW BUSINESS - IDEA REQUESTS 1. Will be presented to the Secretary in written form. 2. When an idea is being discussed in New Business and time for the NACONA meeting ends, that subject will be brought up in Old Business at the next NACONA meeting. 3. Any member of NA may request time before the beginning of a NACONA regular meeting and will be addressed before Old Business. REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION OF A VOTING MEMBER 1. Elected members of NACONA can only be removed by the service body that elected them. 2. Great care and consideration should be used during any matter before this body that involves suspending a NACONA member 3. Considerations for suspensions: a. Not performing their duties in a timely and responsible manner b. Missing two consecutive meetings without notification to the Chair c. Missing two consecutive meetings without good cause, i.e. illness, family illness, death in the family, etc. d. Relapse / Using e. Suspension due to theft NACONA GUIDELINES version: 1.1 2019-08-14 Page 15 of 16 In the event a Signer on the bank account is removed, suspended or resigns they are to be immediately (24 hours) removed from said account. In the event NACONA property and/or money is either lost or stolen and a member or members are shown to be responsible for the negligence, theft, or misappropriation of funds, the Chair will notify all available voting members and take action immediately upon notification. The Chair may choose to put forth suspension of any member or members. All property or monies will be retrieved and inventoried immediately The NACONA Chair will immediately notify the NAASC’s Chair’s with information and facts available with a recommendation from the NACONA Committee SPECIAL ELECTIONS In the event that a voting member cannot complete their term: • The duties shall be assumed by the Sub-Committee Vice Chair or NACONA Vice Chair • The NACONA Chair may appoint an interim Sub Committee Chair or NACONA Administrative Committee Member if necessary • Nominations shall begin immediately for any Committee member position other than those elected by the NAASC’s • The elections for a vacant position shall be held at the next scheduled meeting MONEY HANDLING 1. The NACONA Treasurer, Vice Treasurer, Chair & Vice Chair are known as the Collection Team during the Convention. 2. Times of collection will be scheduled by the Treasurer and Vice Treasurer. The rest of the Collection Team will receive this schedule on Friday after the 10am meeting 3. All scheduled pick-ups will be done by two people on the Collection Team. This can be coordinated by radio for collection and count - this will include the Merchandise and Registration tables, Entertainment events & 7th Tradition collections 4. The two people scheduled and Sub Committee representative will count and sign off on the tally sheet for each pick up. There are to be three (3) signatures for each pick up. 5. There will be a receipt issued each time money is picked up or turned over. 6. This means there will be three (3) bank bags available for each pick up with three (3) people agreeing by signature to the daily intake of funds (Cash & Checks) 7. Night deposits will be made at local bank night drop or in the hotel safe as often as possible, no less than twice per day 8. NAASC’s Administrative Committee members may be used as volunteers for the collection team CONVENTION EVENT PROCEDURES Thursday 1. Hotel walk-through for all present Committee members and a celebration dinner! 2. Monitor the room block 3. Secretary sends out text message contact list to all voting committee members 4. Hotel Chair makes sure to announce Friday morning committee meeting room and time Friday 1. Vice Chair ensures Convention support supplies are on site and available prior to on-site Committee meeting NACONA GUIDELINES version: 1.1 2019-08-14 Page 16 of 16 2. *Coordinate with the hotel: Banquet manager, the acquisition of secured facilities, conference rooms, and keys for distribution 3. Monitor the room block 4. *NACONA Subcommittees will meet at 9am as needed 5. *NACONA Committee will meet at 10am 6. Locate electrical power & set up. 7. Program credit phone swipers if not already done 8. Coordinate banquet orders with the banquet manager to assure proper setup 9. All Sub-Committee Chairs - inventory and setup their areas of operation 10. All signage shall be located and posted prior to the start of the Convention 11. Final vendor financial obligation may be concluded with payment Saturday 1. Monitor the room block 2. *Coordinate with the hotel: Banquet manager 3. Final vendor financial obligation may be concluded with payment. Sunday 1. Monitor the room block 2. All support supplies and merchandise will be inventoried; packaged and returned to the Area storage locker today after closing 3. Review all vendor contractual obligations and receive percentages agreed upon from jewelry vendor and any others. Final financial obligation may be concluded with payment as well 4. Request and review the hotel bill for final billing. 5. Final billing may be reviewed and concluded with payment by Hotel Chair, Treasurer and Chairperson 6. Final vendor financial obligation may be concluded with payment. 7. All necessary clean up